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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл № ФС 77-20452 от 22 марта 2005 года

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АННОТАЦИИ к статьям научно-теоретического журнала "ВЕСТНИК МАХ"


Выпуски по годам: [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]

Обложка журнала 'Вестник МАХ'...

В настоящей рубрике публикуются аннотации к статьям «Вестника Международной академии холода» ("Вестника МАХ") - международного ежеквартального научно-теоретического журнала, являющегося печатным органом общественной организации - «Международной академии холода» ("International Academy of Refrigeration").

Вестник МАХ издается с 1998 года.

Главный редактор журнала: Бараненко Александр Владимирович, д-р техн. наук, профессор.

Тематика журнала: "Исследования и разработки по всем направлениям холодильной и криогенной техники, кондиционированию воздуха и проблемам экологии".

The international scientific-theoretical quarterly magazine about scientific and technical developments on all directions of refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and technology, air conditioning and problems of ecology.

«Vestnik of International Academy of Refrigeration» – published since 1998.

Перечень статей и аннотаций по номерам выпусков: [1/2009] [2/2009] [3/2009] [4/2009]

 1.  Накопление холода как способ энергосбережения и оптимизации энергопотребления / Д-р техн. наук А.М. АРХАРОВ, акад. РАН А.И. ЛЕОНТЬЕВ, д-р техн. наук В.В. СЫЧЕВ, д-р техн. наук И.А. АРХАРОВ, Е.Н. КРИЖАНОВСКАЯ, П.В. КУСТОВ (МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана)

  • The problem of cold accumulation, important for many industries, is considered in terms of its interest for large consumers of cold in the field of moderate low and cryogenic temperatures. Cold generators for these conditions can be air refrigerating machines (VHM) or vapor-compression Freon (R22) refrigeration machines (PKM). The calculations of energy consumption for VHM and PKM are presented for the conditions of cold accumulation, and an entropy-statistical analysis of work loss distribution in the elements of machines for stationary operating conditions is given. The actual work values calculated by analysis differ from those, determined in the refrigerating cycles, by about 1 %. The cost of production of 1 kg of ice is considered in both cases for all-day operation of the plants and for night operation in the conditions of different electrical energy tariffs in Moscow. A threshold temperature has been determined, below which the use of VHM is appropriate for the accumulation of cold. It's 60 °C, however in the case of combined operation (PKM all day and BHM in night time) this threshold is increased to -30 °C.

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 2.  Расчетное моделирование процессов зарядки аккумулятора холода / Д-р техн. наук И.К. САВИН, Д.В. НЕФЁДОВ (Петрозаводский государственный университет)

  • At the further study of the question connected with creation of physical model of the thermal accumulator, offered to use in system of cooling with application of natural cold equipped for maintenance of process of loading by gravitational evaporation-condensational systems, has demanded the decision of a question on effective arrangement of GECS on the area of the thermal accumulator. For the decision of the given problem experimental researches of the processes occurring at crystallization of water in different conditions were made.

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 3.  o Применение осевых компрессоров в холодильных машинах / Канд. техн. наук Ю.А. АНТИПОВ, канд. техн. наук И.А. БАРСКИЙ, Д.В. ТЕРЕХОВ, канд. техн. наук И.К. ШАТАЛОВ (Российский университет дружбы народов)

  • Application of axial compressors for compression of different working fluids increases compression efficiency on 10 - 18% and coefficient of performance of heat pumps on 9 -11%.

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 4.  Энтальпийный метод численного решения задач теплопроводности в промерзающих или протаивающих грунтах / Канд. техн. наук Н.А. БУЧКО (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The problems of non-stationary heat conductivity with phase transitions, associated with soil freezing, are solved by enthalpy methods; the history of development of the method for the generalized problem of Stefan is presented. An algorithm of calculations of the processes of solidification-melting in moist soils, based on the explicit finite difference approximation of enthalpy equation, being the function of temperature and iciness is proposed. A graphical expression of solutions for different zones of a phase transition in large-dispersed and fine dispersed soils is presented. On the basis of the proposed algorithm a series of programs in different programming languages was developed, as well as the version of criterion form of solution, and by processing of a large number of numerical experiments, by the method of similarity "a generalized method of calculations of seasonal cooling device" has been created.

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 5.  Численное решение нелинейных задач теплопроводности / Канд. техн. наук Е.В. ДИЛЕВСКАЯ, д-р техн. наук И.В. СТАНКЕВИЧ (МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана), А.А. ПОПКОВ-МЕЛЕНТЬЕВ (ОАО "Русгидро")

  • A solution to the task of heat conductivity for a rectangular plate during heat exchange with the environment by convection and radiation on opposite end faces (other surfaces were insulated) has been proposed. The task is being solved for the case of immovable continuous medium and moving continuous medium. It is shown that finite-element technology allows carrying out efficient analysis of temperature state of heat exchange surfaces with different heat load.

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 6.  Аналитическое решение уравнения теплопроводности для расчета изменения температуры тела, обусловленного электрокалорическим эффектом / Канд. техн. наук А.С. СТАРКОВ, канд. техн. наук О.В. ПАХОМОВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • An analytical solution to the problem of heat conductivity for a medium with electric and caloric effect has been obtained for the first time. It is shown that electrical field, changing according to harmonic law, leads to steady-state temperature gradient along asolidbody, which can be used as a new principle for creating solid-state coolers on electro caloric effect.

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 7.  Криоконсервация и криохранение стволовых клеток в банках пуповинной крови и костного мозга / Д-р мед. наук А.Б. СМОЛЯНИНОВ (Центр клеточной и генной терапии, Санкт-Петербург), Г.Н. КОВАНЬКО (Центр клеточной и генной терапии, Санкт-Петербург ) , д-р биол. наук Ш.М. БАГАУТДИНОВ (Военно-медицинская академия, Санкт-Петербург ) , канд. мед. наук О.Г. ХУРЦИЛАВА (Санкт-Петербургская государственная медицинская академия последипломного образования)

  • The nature of destruction of a cell during its freezing and the mechanism of prevention of this destruction using cryoprotectors has been considered. Special features of cryoconservation of founder cells (FC) and the technique of this process are described. A container for the storage of founder cells and methods of maintaining low temperatures during storage of FC: nitrogen vapor or liquid nitrogen chilling, and also mechanical chilling are described. Cryoprotectors for cryoconservation of FC : glycerol, dimethylsulfooxide, hydroxyethylstarch and other polymers are described in detail. Recommendations on chilling conditions of FC during their cryoconservation and heating before use given.

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 8.  Экспериментальные исследования полупроводникового термоэлектрического устройства для локального теплового воздействия на рефлексогенные зоны человеческого организма / Д-р техн. наук Т.А. ИСМАИЛОВ, М.А. ХАЗАМОВА (Дагестанский государственный технический университет)

  • The paper considers the use of solid-state thermoelectric devices for physiotherapeutic procedures (local heating and cooling of feet). The experimental test facilities for study of operation of the investigated device are described, and the results of the experiments on the determination of temperature characteristics of the device are given. It is found that it is practicable to use an accelerated method of stabilization of operation of the device, using six thermal modules with feed current 5 A. The time of stabilization of operation is 1- minutes for cooling and 5-6 minutes for heating operation.

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Учредитель  и издатель сетевого СМИ: Маргарян С.М.
Адрес редакции: Россия, г. Москва, Шипиловский проезд, д.47.
Тел.: +7-916-186-57-39, e-mail: info@holodilshchik.ru

Первый выпуск первой в России интернет-газеты по холодильной и
близкой ей тематике - "Холодильщик.RU" - вышел в свет в январе 2005 г.
Руководитель проекта и Главный редактор: Санасар Маргарян
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