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АННОТАЦИИ к статьям научно-теоретического журнала "ВЕСТНИК МАХ"


Выпуски по годам: [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]

Обложка журнала 'Вестник МАХ'...

В настоящей рубрике публикуются аннотации к статьям «Вестника Международной академии холода» ("Вестника МАХ") - международного ежеквартального научно-теоретического журнала, являющегося печатным органом общественной организации - «Международной академии холода» ("International Academy of Refrigeration").

Вестник МАХ издается с 1998 года.

Главный редактор журнала: Бараненко Александр Владимирович, д-р техн. наук, профессор.

Тематика журнала: "Исследования и разработки по всем направлениям холодильной и криогенной техники, кондиционированию воздуха и проблемам экологии".

The international scientific-theoretical quarterly magazine about scientific and technical developments on all directions of refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and technology, air conditioning and problems of ecology.

«Vestnik of International Academy of Refrigeration» – published since 1998.

Перечень статей и аннотаций по номерам выпусков: [1/2007] [2/2007] [3/2007] [4/2007]

 1.  Термодинамические свойства растворов R600a/ компрессорное масло "ХМИ Азмол" / Канд. техн. наук Ю.В. СЕМЕНЮК, Д.А. ПРОЦЕНКО, С.В. НИЧЕНКО, д-р техн. наук В.П. ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ (Одесская государственная академия холода)

  • The experimental data about the pressure of saturated vapors, the capillary constant and density of solutions of isobutane (R600a) with the commercial oil XMH Azmol are obtained in the wide range of the parameters of state. The temperature and concentration relationships of the mentioned thermodynamical properties are studied. The enthalpy of the liquid phase of the solutions of isobutane with oil is calculated. The analysis of behavior of the redundant thermodynamic functions of the liquid solution R600a/XMU Azmol is performed. The isotherms of the redundant adsorption of isobutane in the surface layer of the solution have been calculated.

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 2.  Второй вириальный коэффициент хладагента R125 / В.В. МИТРОПОВ, д-р техн. наук А.В. КЛЕЦКИЙ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The equation for second virial coefficient of refrigerant 125 (CHF2-CFJ is presented as function of temperatures. The deviations between the values of second virial coefficient derived from experimental data and calculated using this equation are as a rule less than 0,5%.

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 3.  Сущность эффекта Ранка / Д-р техн. наук В.И. КУЗНЕЦОВ, И.О. ЩУКА (Омский государственный технический университет)

  • In this paper furnished experimental and theoretical demonstrations that in a vortex tube work from axial layers of gas is transferred to peripheral layers by forces of viscosity due to a gradient of angular speeds, and the thermal stream goes from periphery to an axis due to a difference of thermodynamic temperatures of peripheral and axial streams.

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 4.  Моделирование микроклимата кабины транспортного средства / А.С. УСТИНОВ, Е.А. ПИТУХИН, И.К. САВИН (Петрозаводский государственный университет)

  • Numerical modeling of thermal rate in the cab of a vehicle is considered; calculation of air condition of cab is described. The problem of control optimization under occasional external influence of the environment is solved.

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 5.  Исследование термодинамических циклов низкотемпературной сепарации природного газа, содержащего парафины / С.А. МАЛЬЯНОВ, канд. техн. наук Ю.С. БЕЗЗАБОТОВ, канд. техн. наук Н.Н. ИВАНОВСКИЙ (Кубанский государственный технологический университет)

  • Scheme of the block of the natural gas low-temperature separation with the use of isoenthalpic process placed at the gas condensate field is represented. The pressure in throttle flap has been taken 90/30 bar. Schematic circuit of the design installation with turboexpander is also viewed. It is showed that during continuous service of the low-temperature separation installation using natural gas containing alkanes, heat-exchange interface of the recuperative heat exchanger is getting fluxed by solid alkanes and heat exchange is cutting off. In order to clear heat-exchange interface of the recuperative heat exchanger of solid alkaness, steaming and expulsion operations by saturated water steam of the inner space of the heat-exchanger were carried out. After the steaming operation effectiveness of the recuperative heat exchange has been restored. Thermodynamic processes, occured in the installation before and after steaming operation, are taken up. Due to the research the output of the liquid fraction of carbohydrates was increased by 20%.

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 6.  Воздушный турбохолодильный агрегат для быстрого замораживания растительной продукции во флюидизационном слое / Д-р техн. наук К.П. ВЕНГЕР, канд. техн. наук О.А. ФЕСЬКОВ, Г.Б. ШАХМЕЛИКЯН (Московский государственный университет прикладной биотехнологии (МГУПБ), канд. биол. наук Н.С. ШИШКИНА (ГНУ ВНИИ консервной и овощесушильной промышленности)

  • On the basis of the air turborefrigerating unit (VTHA) an experimental plant was manufactured, which allowed obtaining of the experimental data on the process parameters of fluidized freezing for a wide range of plant products in the air temperature range of -60... -64 °C and its flow rate 5... 25 m/s. The results of quality study, proving the technological efficiency of the obtained process parameters of freezing of these products, were obtained. The design of the fluidized freezing apparatus with VTHA has been developed, for which a patent of RF was issued.

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 7.  Расчет продолжительности глазирования замороженных продуктов / Д-р техн. наук С.В. ФРОЛОВ, д-р техн. наук В.Е. КУЦАКОВА, канд. техн. наук В.Б. ДАНИН, С.А.ТОЛКАЧ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • Glazing - the creation of ice layer on the surface of the frozen product (meat, fish) increases storage life of products by 30 - 50 %. A simple, thermophysical model of the glazing process is offered which includes the immersion of the frozen product into drinking water with the temperature 1...4 °C for 5 - 10 s. The calculation relationships for the determination of the optimum time for the product to be in the water and of the thickness of the formed ice layer have been obtained.

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 8.  Воздействие низкой температуры на динамику численности и проявление биоконтролирующего эффекта бактериями родов Pseudomonas и Bacillus / Канд. техн. наук Е.И. КИПРУШКИНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • Specific effects of different temperatures (4, 14, 24, 34 °C) on the numbers and the exhibition of biocontrolling effect by bacteria of genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus are considered. The values of specific rate of growth (dying off) of the cells of Pseudomonas and Bacillus have been found; the antagonistic activity of these microorganisms at different temperatures of the experiment have been determined.

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 9.  Эффективность ротационного охлаждения компотов в таре СКО 1-82-500 в потоке атмосферного воздуха / М.Э. АХМЕДОВ, д-р техн. наук Т.А. ИСМАИЛОВ (Дагестанский государственный технический университет)

  • The cooling regimes of compotes in glass packaging in the atmospheric air flow and the influence of such factors as rotation of the packaging and air flow velocity on cooling time have been investigated. The values of sterilizing effects of compotes in the packaging of type SKO 1-82-500 at different parameters of the cooling air have been determined, and the optimum velocity of the air flow has been found.

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 10.  Фруктовые и овощные напитки функционального назначения / Ю.А. КОЗОНОВА, д-р техн. наук Л.Н. ТЕЛЕЖЕНКО (Одесская национальная академия пищевых технологий)

  • An energetic beverage, consisting of apple juice and pea meal is proposed. The influence of different plant starches on fluidity of the beverage is determined; its rheological properties on all the stages of technological processing have been determined. A technological scheme of the preparation of the beverage including fermentative hydrolysis of biopolymers is proposed. A sedimentation analysis was used to evaluate the proceeding of hydrolysis.

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 11.  Реологические характеристики кулинарного жира "Сало растительное" / Канд. техн. наук Б.Л. НИКОЛАЕВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • Rheological characteristics of a cooking fat "Vegetable fat" depending on velocity gradient and product temperature are presented in the article. The presented results of the investigations help to make trustworthy hydraulic and thermal calculations, including those on the determination of the value of hydraulic resistances during transportation of the product over the pipeline.

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Учредитель  и издатель сетевого СМИ: Маргарян С.М.
Адрес редакции: Россия, г. Москва, Шипиловский проезд, д.47.
Тел.: +7-916-186-57-39, e-mail: info@holodilshchik.ru

Первый выпуск первой в России интернет-газеты по холодильной и
близкой ей тематике - "Холодильщик.RU" - вышел в свет в январе 2005 г.
Руководитель проекта и Главный редактор: Санасар Маргарян
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